Powder Fire Extinguisher
good multi-purpose fire extinguisher because they can be used on Class A, B and C fires. They can also be used on fires involving electrical equipment however, they do not cool the fire so it can re-ignite.
C02 Fire extinguisher
pure carbon dioxide which is a clean extinguisher, leaving no residue. Suitable for class B flammable liquid fires (petrol, oil, solvents), and recommended for use on live electrical equipment.
Fire blanket
ideal for extinguishing cooking fat fires and can be used to wrap around people if their clothes catch on fire. Pull down sharply on the tabs hanging from the bottom of the package to release the fire blanket. Hold it in front of you, with the fabric rolled back at the edges to protect your hands.
Hose pipe for extinguisher
the high-pressure hose that carries water or another fire retardant (such as foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Outdoors, it attaches either to a fire engine or a fire hydrant.
Safety Helmet
Safety helmets will protect the user’s head against objects falling from above by resisting and deflecting blows to the head.
Safety shoes
Safety shoes are protective footwear that must be equipped with a toe cap. The toe protection made of steel, aluminium or plastic protects the foot reliably
Safety jacket
Safety jackets are protective outerwear that enhances visibility with colours like orange and yellow/lime. The silver reflective tape makes them ANSI rated. Hi-Vis safety jackets include bomber, parka, softshell, insulated and waterproof styles.